Monday, July 12, 2010

So im warming up :D

Im cold. Oh wait... it's SUMMER ^.^

So Hi, im Clear. Lawl. So you probably no me or not. This is my second post. Sorry but i have nothing to post. That's the bad news, but the good news is im gonna talk about a certain topic and gonna be sharing you the answers to Choproff's um questions. (NOTE: The questions r not guarranteed that is correct... im acctually check it if its correct) So here we go.

Do you know how much cooler words are if the letter "Z" is added into words? Example. LOLZ. Oh wow thats amazing. See how much cooler Lol is? the trending "Z" (ok im totally freaking up now. my Shift ' is now @ and my Shift 2 is " weird eh?) You might think this topic is lame but o. DO THIS:
 (¬A message from halo and clear)

So as i told you, CHOPROFF (da man) IS BACK YO!
ANd ive got the answersssss. (85% accurate i think lawl) So i cant put it in this post cuz its very long!!!
Now, for you to get the answers, go to (click here) and go to this page called "CHOPROFF ANSWERS" when you get there, you will see this:
TADA! Congratulations! You got to the page! NOW GO THERE AND STUDY! Brought to you by Haloz Cheats and Agent Clear -for educational purposes only! Lawl! Now get out there, Study, and earn your self some Prizes and bugs! (As in the Chobot currency, not the BUG)

Squash it if ya can!

Making you mind Clear,
This is Agent Clear, at your service!

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