Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Okhay so imma newbie here. Hope you dont BULLY ME. That's illegal! ;)

So hey my name is Clear, and im a new author here :D
I'll be hanging out with you guyz :D.
Here's a side mountain for you guyz to know me better

>>>Im an agent
>>>>>Im 13 :D turned 13 last feb lawl.
>>>>I love CHOBOTS DA GAME very much.
>>>>>>>>i wont retire lawl.
>>>BTW, LAWL means LOL
>>>>>>Im a Canadian. well soon enough i will be one :)
>>>>>SO that means if im in Canada, im in the part with the mountain time zone! :D
>>>>>>>>>>>I go online everyday :D
>>>SOmetimes i get lazy to post!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>My summer is boring!
>>>>Im turning Grade 9!
>>>>>>>>I know sharing info is illeghal in Chobots but not at Blogs :)
>>>>>>>BTW, I hate spammers,
>>> oh yeah my name is Clear. People call me Clear. just Clear.

So ;) see yeah!

>>>if you want to see more of my posts go to
>>>>>> or my newly revived
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and here's other blogs i post on
>>>>and ofcourse the amazing

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