Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Items!~

New Citizen Items! Awesome Right?(: the giga Suit rocks! (<--how ever u spell it x])


Hey Guys! How was Hiki's 500th party? I wasn't there but i heard it was great!(:

Lorens B-day!!!!

Hayyy guy`s its meh halo i just wantd to say it lorens b-day on cho AND real life shes turning 50 in cho and shes turning 11 in real life hayy lets throw a b-day partay for her!!!!!!

New itemz!!!

New Itemz!!!! I like Do you? :D

Friday, July 30, 2010


Hey Guys And Gals! Heres The Space Racing Winners(:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Stuck In The Rain

Hayyy chos guess what Im stuck In da rain D: nothing to do.. exept play video games and electronicts and also Play on the computer so yeah well g2g im at my nanas house right now so yeah im about ready to go to my house congrats on the chos who won the crown shirt on jessies blog i wish i wont :,,,,[ oh well bia!

New banner

>:o check dis out!!! i mad a banner hooray!!!! its on the wayy bottom if you chos wanna see it all thanks to tappity1 she showed me where to make a banner!!! thanx tapity1!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Awesome Painting By Me!!!

Enjoy!!! (i made it)

Back To school!!!

Hayy Chos Its almost time for school for me And that meanz that i wont be on anymore but i will keep in touch wif my blog by posting ect. I saw tale of despuro x3 Today i got those free summmer ticketz From one of my nanas friends from work my nana got them from her friend at work so yeah.... Cho-proff is back just like i said when you want an item REALLY BADLY just use cho-proff i used him to get my mask :DDD So.... How was green day fun? who joind the Big Green Help? i did!!! im doing all kindz of stuff to protect earth i clean up the neighbor hood i plant plants trees ect. i clean up parks i recycle i do it all i love Earth Dont you??? Bia!
Unicorn Pie Flavur Lover ,l-l/-\l()


Hey Guys And Gals!!!! Look Who's Back! It's Choproff! Yayy! Time To Earn Some Bugz!

Friend Ship Day!

Hello Guys And Gals! Did You Know That Friend Ship Day Is The First Of August? Well It Is!!!! You All Should Take This Time And Spend It With The Ones U Love And Admire:) Friends Are The Amazing People In Your Life You Hangout With, Talk To, Or Just Chill With(: I Have An Amazing Friend Thats Always There For Me.. :33 Thats Hech! ;D Hope You Guys Enjoy You Friend Ship Day Soon(: ~Dawi (Yes, Dawi..xD)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tell your friends about this!+PARTAY!! +green day

Heyyy chos i was wondering if you kan tell you all your neighbors about my blog tell your friends to check this epic blog out plz even tell the MAIL MAN lol tell anyone just plz spread the word about this epix blog k
PARTAY TIME!!!!!!!! place: caf`e time:20:oo cho time server:all servers (i think)
Unciron Pie flavor lover, l-l/-\l{}

Monday, July 26, 2010

Go Green!

Hey Guys! (And Gals) Have Any Of You Been Active Lately!? I'm Talking About Playing Outside, Or Helping The Environment. :) Such As Recycling, Planting A Tree (or trees) , Turn Off The T.v, Computer, Faucet, And Light(s)..etc.. Spend Some Time Outside! Enjoy What Mother Nature Has Given(: Theres Many Things You Can Do To Get Active And Help The Environment. One Person Can Make A BIG Difference. Well, Thats All The Time I Have Today, Cya Soon!
~Take Care, Go Green! Hawiian~


Hey Guys! Hows Your Summer Going? Mine Is Going Good...I Miss School Though! I'm Going To A New School. I'm Excited! I'm Not "So" Excited About The Home-Work.. But, Do What You Got To Do To Get Good Grades! I'm Going To Be Doing VolleyBall And Softball This Year For Team Sports. :) I'm Also Going To Learn A Different Language! Spanish! :D This Year Is Going To Be Fun! I Hope Yours Will Be Too! Until Then, Have A Great Rest Of The Summer, Stay Cool, And Get Active!:D The Weather Is Nice, Use It As Well As You Can! (Unless Its Raining :P)

Partay ^-^!

Hayyyy Cho`s! guess wut! (no NOT chickenbutt its a PARTAY! Followerz partay hooray! who went to the partay yesterday i sertinily did! heres the invitation
time-2o:oo cho time
server-ALL servers
Have fun! bia
Best wishes and regards,
Unicorn pie flavor lover,|-|/-\|「」

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Heyy chos just got back from camping yesterday theres a party going on today :D get ready!! get those mouses ready andwarm up your hands. LETS HAVE SOME FUN!!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Agent Recommendation Time!Woot Woot(:

Hey yall! (: Theres an agent poll coming soon! Go on and scroll down to post your recommendation(s)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Headers And Templates Wanted Also Backround Wanted ! ! !

Heyyyy Cho`s! I just wanted to send a little shoutout to the cho`s that are extremely well nott exacly "extremely" just cho`s that are good at making templates and headers and backrounds i will tell you wut i want...↓
I want For the Header is clear,hawiian and "unicorn pie flavor lover" (halo) then i want some where oon the header i want "The Three Musket Tears" Then i want for the backround is, the words
"Cho Rulz"! in Bubble letterz Surprise me with the Template The chos that enters it they have to make kind of a little pic. or design Tell meh da link in the comments OR
email it to me at the winner will...↓↓↓
1. Get voted to be an agent,1,ooo coinz,and there blog sponserd on our blog
2. gets 900 coinz and your blog sponserd on our blog

3.get 500 coinz and a add from me clear or hawiian. Good Luck everybody may vayersoft be with you...

"Unicorn pie flavor lover" (btw Im on my dsi posting right now im grounded from the cumputer till next wednesday :S i told my mom LOUD MOUTH im a bad boy lol Dx xD) (aka i also need tabs)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Personal Info, New Title, New Nickname and New Nickname For Members!

Heyyy Cho`s it has been a while since i post i wanted to talk about a couple of things with you, i just wanted to give yaz a little heads up for hackerz or scammers i beg of you not to give out personal info i learned that da HARD way i got a new title for yawlz like? i doz. I got a new nickname for meh! "unicorn pie flavor lover" lol like it? ikr!?. i got a new nickname for my team memberz "The Three Musket Tears" lol funnez? so yeah its late where im at so... YAWNNN im tired well im on my dsi posting so i kant do my sig i wull edit my post when i wake up ill get on my cumputer... i got NEW blond highlights got new bed bekame a member on cp... so yeah BIA! Huggies and cookie with moofin filling inside that tastes like pie flavored pie to all yawz!

"unicorn pie flavor lover"
(|-|@|「」 { it says halo} [im gonna draw stuff and try to earn paintbrush so TTYL! lolz]


Heylloo(: I just felt like sharing some of my art with you all!!!!! I drew this rose today.. :) Wadda you think? ;) The "Dh c(:" stands for my initials. :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chobots Awards 2010

Chobots Awards 2010

the very first Chobots Awards 2010 is now open! Visit now and and nominate anyone! Including Halo53 and his blog! :D Go now!


Heyy guess i guess theres ALOT more hackers then i expected Dx warrior7878 is getting hack by some one :,[ here's a pic for proof ;]

Friday, July 16, 2010

Random Post

Heyy chos long time no posting I've been busy with other stuff like, getting coinz for club penguin because I'm gonna be a member next Wednesday :DDD Ive been earning coinz on club penguin elite force (ds) game Ive been on 7wiz. creating an acc. and managing it to MUCH stuff jeez lol xD

Cho-proff is back yay im bored its 10:23p.m. meh time so yeah Bay`z

p.s. don't let the bed bugs bite lol x3

New Items!!!! :O Pretty!

Nice Items In The catalogs!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

In Need Of A Header?

Ello Me Lovely Cho's! I've Been Redecorating My Blog..Yes, It Looks VERY Different. ;) If Anyone Needs A Header Made For Their Blog, Or Any Other Blog-Type Of Help Just Mail Me! ( Note: It May Take Some Time ;)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Heyy Cho`s Lookey Lookey there is a contest, since 7wizards is coming out they decided to make a contest about wizards and information about them the winners will receive bugs and a scroll good luck (may the force be with you)

Monday, July 12, 2010

So im warming up :D

Im cold. Oh wait... it's SUMMER ^.^

So Hi, im Clear. Lawl. So you probably no me or not. This is my second post. Sorry but i have nothing to post. That's the bad news, but the good news is im gonna talk about a certain topic and gonna be sharing you the answers to Choproff's um questions. (NOTE: The questions r not guarranteed that is correct... im acctually check it if its correct) So here we go.

Do you know how much cooler words are if the letter "Z" is added into words? Example. LOLZ. Oh wow thats amazing. See how much cooler Lol is? the trending "Z" (ok im totally freaking up now. my Shift ' is now @ and my Shift 2 is " weird eh?) You might think this topic is lame but o. DO THIS:
 (¬A message from halo and clear)

So as i told you, CHOPROFF (da man) IS BACK YO!
ANd ive got the answersssss. (85% accurate i think lawl) So i cant put it in this post cuz its very long!!!
Now, for you to get the answers, go to (click here) and go to this page called "CHOPROFF ANSWERS" when you get there, you will see this:
TADA! Congratulations! You got to the page! NOW GO THERE AND STUDY! Brought to you by Haloz Cheats and Agent Clear -for educational purposes only! Lawl! Now get out there, Study, and earn your self some Prizes and bugs! (As in the Chobot currency, not the BUG)

Squash it if ya can!

Making you mind Clear,
This is Agent Clear, at your service!

Birth Day partay!!!!

Heyy Cho`s!!! Guess what we all are gonna throw a b-day partay for meh bro happy b-day bro i love you wif all meh heart!!!!Here's da Invitation

Be There!

When:2 days



Time:21:oo cho-time!!!

BE THERE OR ELSE LOL (i dont know wut else JUST BE THERE!!!) lol


Cho-proff is back in umm... white? lol just get ready to rock and THINK!!!! Do you think cho-proff should have more questions or none at all i think none because,Its just mest because its easier to know them ALL then you get wayyy faster bugs so yeah.... BIA!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


:DD Hey chos It`s me Halo Just a little post Its just the Baku (bakugan) Made this keel new Sig. for me :DD Thanks Baku!!!


Party!!! :DDD

Heyy chos!!!! Guess what!!! Nicho party dress up in a cho outfit or a cho outfit and get your zappers ready to zap because this is going to be a big PARTY!!!! btw im going to a b-day party one of my family members and the b-days girl dad hates to see peps on the computer SO i might not kome Dx MAYBE but Oh well here's the party
instructions Btw HAVE fun FuN FUN
Place:Caf`e Street
Time:21:oo cho time (2:00pm for Arizona peps)
When today ToDaY TODAY!!! (: i think ill be a cho ;] and vs hikieh

Friday, July 9, 2010

Party Time!!!!

Wazzup cho`s!!! Guess wut Its layla10`s Birthday in real LIFE!!!! :DDD Time: 5 minz server:mimo city

Place:Eco street
Lets do THIS!!!!!!!!!!
~agent halo (btw) agent sounds GOOD in meh name x3

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Okhay so imma newbie here. Hope you dont BULLY ME. That's illegal! ;)

So hey my name is Clear, and im a new author here :D
I'll be hanging out with you guyz :D.
Here's a side mountain for you guyz to know me better

>>>Im an agent
>>>>>Im 13 :D turned 13 last feb lawl.
>>>>I love CHOBOTS DA GAME very much.
>>>>>>>>i wont retire lawl.
>>>BTW, LAWL means LOL
>>>>>>Im a Canadian. well soon enough i will be one :)
>>>>>SO that means if im in Canada, im in the part with the mountain time zone! :D
>>>>>>>>>>>I go online everyday :D
>>>SOmetimes i get lazy to post!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>My summer is boring!
>>>>Im turning Grade 9!
>>>>>>>>I know sharing info is illeghal in Chobots but not at Blogs :)
>>>>>>>BTW, I hate spammers,
>>> oh yeah my name is Clear. People call me Clear. just Clear.

So ;) see yeah!

>>>if you want to see more of my posts go to
>>>>>> or my newly revived
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and here's other blogs i post on
>>>>and ofcourse the amazing

Choco Par-tayy(:

Hey guys! Dont forget about the Chocolate part-ayy today! 21:00!!!!
Dont miss it! Make sure you dress cute and Chocolate-y (:

Party to day!!!!

Heyy chos I just wanted to say that The chocolate party is today!!1 >:] I'm not that stocked because i think I'm not gonna kome Dx because meh mom is gonna be on the computer so yeah,


Btw I'm gonna take a 2 week vacation When I'm 250 because i have other things to do so yeah i g2g I'm gonna go see astro boy at theaters and return the movies from red box (redbok x3 lol) i got 2012 doomsday and meh Mommy got the crazies x3 so yeah Bia chos :]

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New buddie and New item!

Heyy guys and gals i just got a new pet Buddies4eva! I also got a new Item :,] all thankx to cho-profff he helped meh get 1oo,ooo bugs :,] so yeah i got the mask that's covers the eye Super exited!!! Tomorrow is the chocolate partay get ready!!!

Best wishes

Monday, July 5, 2010

Choco-partay and 4th of july update!

Heyy guy`s and Gals Look at this!!!
Its a choco-party I might not Come i have to convince Me Mommy hope i come!
It starts at 7 of July Server chocolate DU`H lol
mood for chocolate mm mm and place cafe`e it gonna be served there well I'm gonna go to the store an get some chocolate xD BIA! ~halo
BTW the fourth of July party wasn't that bad it was kinda keel i mean REALLY KEEL!!!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Yayy!:) =D

Yay! I won a medal and citizenship :) Don't forget about the party tomorrow for independence day ;)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Add This too the blog (: Halo!

Eure Ciinderella_ (halo Dx when it trys to pop up it just shows up with ??? i forgot your name xD sorry)


Hello Everyone (:
Ciinderella_ here. I am a "new" blogger persay (:
I will post Special events and updates!

Eure Ciinderella_

your Besitess(:

Hey guys(: I want you to take a second and go thank your friends for all they have done for you!(:
Example: Deeptoot im so glad your my friend, you've done soo much to make me happy and im glad your my friend:)
Hope You Tell Your Friends Thank You!(:

How to bekome an agent And Alos NEW items :D

1. No scamming
2. No spamming (no long long messages)
3. No begging or asking for gifts
4. No dating (not having a boyfriend or a girlfriend)
5. No bad language (no swearing)
6. Don't ask to be an agent or a moderator
7. No advertising your blog/website more than 2 times (it's a spam)
8. Help other cho`s as (in, giving tours, answering there questions)
9. Be nice to other cho`s

That's usually it ;]

Ok now for the awesome items for citizenship :DD its, 3d glasses and popcorn its a jet pack 4Th one lightning magic 1..99 2.29.99 3.47.99 i just rode like 89 miles Dx on meh bike it feels like I'm gonna die lol Oh and i helped 200 chos in like 2 weeks lol