Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Citizenship Items :o3

Heyy Guys! New CitizenShip Items, Aren't They Prettyful? ))

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Need 1 More Author!

Heyy Cho-world =D,
I just wanted to confirm that i only need 1 more author im sorry non-citizens but i at LEAST want a citizen or agent or mod on meh blog i want someone that has really good experince of making header`s and template`s and that know`s really kool pictures to post so on meh dsi posting right now O3o yeah..... Well im bored xD biey'z!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Party woot woot :[ bye zoo

Heyy guy`s unicorn lover halo here umm there was an awesome party by zoo,sap,cat it was awesome it raind s shirts the heart shirt and a b-day shirt and alot of magic!!! That party was all dedicated to... zoo because he is leaving for to months to a state witch apparentily has NO cumputers mest up right!!!??? oh well Lets all say our last good bye`s to zoo i love you zoo as a friend lol well drive safe and have a fun trip i already went on meh trip to mexico lol welll By Zoo!!!!!!!!

Unicorn Lover,


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

cho-proff back from vaca.!

Heyy guy`s guess wut!!!! cho-proff is bak get your thinking caps on and get ready to think your brains out ~halo

Roller Coaster!!!!!!!

Has anyone been to California Adventure? Well, did you know they have the BIGGEST and BESTEST Roller Coaster in California there? Its called California Screaming! California Screaming is located near the Mickey-Mouse Farris Wheel in Paradise Pier(: It has an amazing take-off and fun turns,drops and a loop(: Next time you go to California Adventure, go on California Screaming!


Heyy guy`s and gals its been a long time since iv`e post sorry i was at Mexico for 1 week and i day , ok now time for the fun to begin... the contest is a poem contest you Kan win a rosette and 5,000 bugs your poem has to be chobot re-lated ok? have fun guy`s may the best poem win!!!

~best wishes and loves always

Friday, June 18, 2010

New Items!!!! :O Pretty!

How do you like the new items? :D

Monday, June 14, 2010

Part-ayy :D

Did you enjoy the party? Give me all the details because i wasn't there((:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Author:)

Hey Guys and Gals(:
I'm a new author on Halo's blog(:
We're very good friends by the wayy :D
Enjoy my posting(:
~Love Always, Hawiian

No party :,[

Heyy guy`s the party is no :,[ oh well maybe you cho`s kan make a party for me huh!?


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Partay in the house!

Heyy guy`s ^-^ i emaild support to throw a party for me i gotta wait until they email meh back if they say yes then hooray! sorry to the people that are non-citizens! jess and v-man miight kome :D

server-Pie city

Day-Tuesday 22, June

Time-11:00 Mountain time

Place-Citizen room (btw DX sorry non-citizens! ;)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Random post xD

Heyyyy guy's im on meh dsi posting this :P i was bored hm i joined ahp i hope i bekome on the poll :D if i do Ty to the people that put meh on the poll! i got a shot at the doctor it diddint really hurt! it was for the varacella vaccine that was meh 2 one OH YAY! im going to mexico on saturday! its gonna be fun fun funny fun fun! so i wont be on for 9 days DX so yeah ~halo (btw im still looking for 2 more authors to fix me`h mixpod and to find a chatbox that iv`e been lookibg for cya!)

Monday, June 7, 2010

NEW author

YAY skoda our new admin made me this kewl new header :D oh and btw he will be making it better time to time :D you should be an agent! skoda! until your older... so yeah HUGGIES TO SKODA :D

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I need more authors!

Hey guy`s i need more authors on me`h blog!!!! the people that are already on ME blog ask your friends if they would like to join ME blog OK?! just say what are you good at and look at how old they are if they are like under 100 say sorry Kant do it OK?! so yeah, we need to make this better and more popular and try as hard as you Kan to get a mod on our blog ;)

~Halo (BTW stay safe! ; ))

Friday, June 4, 2010

New Authour!

Ello! I'm going to be a new author on this awesome blog! Here is a little bit about me! I love to chat to other chobots, I don't get easily bored, my favourite Cho games are garbage collector, I go on chobots at least 3-4 hours a day and I love going to watch cool video's in the chobots cinimia! If you are not familar of me here is my player card ^_^